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Vocabulary (S2 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Thursday, January 9, 2014 | 11:45 PM

Click "Download" for Downloading the thesis
  1. The Effects of Glosses on EFL Vocabulary Learning Download
  2. Memory Enhancing Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instruction Download
  3. The Correlation of the Depth of Learners Vocabulary Knowledge and Their Reading Comprehension Download
  4. A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategy and Perception of English Learning of Taiwanese Junior High School Students Download
  5. Strategies of Vocabulary Learning of AAU Freshmen Learning English As A Second Foreign Language Download
  6. Assessing The Practice of Communicative Approach in Teaching Vocabulary The Case of Grade Nine Teachers in Addis Ababa Download
  7. Evaluation of the Underlined English Vocabulary Items in the "English for New Ethiopia" Serim for Grades 9 to 12 Download
  8. A Study on the Effectiveness of Teaching-Learning Vocabulary in Three Second Cycle Elementary Schools in Addis Ababa Grade Eight In Focus Download
  9. The Effectiveness of Current Vocabulary Teaching Techniques in Facilitation Production in Junior Secondary School; Grade Seven in Focus Download
  10. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of modern Vocabulary Teaching Methods and the Extent to which these arc Implemented in Freshman English Courses Download
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