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Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step. Joan Lambert and Curtis Frye. 2015

Penulis : citrapriski on Friday, September 23, 2016 | 7:25 AM

Joan Lambert and Curtis Frye. Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step. 2015 Download

Buku refernsi untuk matakuliah Teknologi Informasi khususnya pada materi Microsoft Word 2016, Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 dan Microsoft Excel 2016

Daftar Isi dari buku Microsoft Office 2016
<> Part1: Microsoft Office 2016 (1)Explore Office 2016

 <> Part 1: Microsoft Office 2016 (2) Create and manage files
 <> Part 2: Microsoft Office 2016 (3) Modify the structure and appearance of test 
 <> Part 2: Microsoft Word 2016 (4) Collaborate on document (5) Merge data with documents and labels

 <>Part 3: Microsoft Excel 2016 (6) Perform Calculation on data
<> Part 3: Microsoft Excel 2016 (7) Manage worksheet data (8) Reorder and Summarize data (9) Analyze alternative data sets

 <> Part 4: Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (10) Create and manage Slides, (11) Insert and manage simple graphics
<> Part 4: Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (12) Add sound and movement to slides
<> Part 5: Microsoft Outlook 2016 (13) Send and Receive email messages
<> Part 5: Microsoft Outlook 2016 (14) Organize your inbox (15) Manage scheduling

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